5 Mar 2012

Tips for Transgender Breastfeeders and Their Lactation Educators

 This information is free for personal use. Any trans folk are welcome to print it out and give a copy to their health care provider! However, if you wish to publish any part of it or quote this material in a presentation you must obtain formal permission. Thanks!

I'm not a health care professional and this blog entry does not constitute or replace medical advice. Please consult your doctor if you need medical advice. 

**** This blog post has been updated and now comes in three parts: 1) general information 2) assisting trans men 3) assisting trans women

Transgender/transsexual/genderfluid Tip Sheet General Information
Prepared by Trevor MacDonald

This tip sheet provides some key details you should be aware of when offering reproductive/lactation support to transgender, transsexual, or genderfluid individuals. Keep in mind that in most ways, medically and otherwise, trans people are just like everyone else. There is a list of key terms and their definitions at the end of this sheet. 

Gender vs. Sex

Our reproductive organs and sexual anatomy define our physical sex male, female, or intersex. Gender, however, is a person's inner awareness of their femininity/masculinity. Gender expression has to do with how an individual presents their gender to others within a given cultural context. For example, within western culture the colour pink has gone from being a traditional boys' colour to one for girls in only a few generations.

In most cases, a persons biological sex conforms to their gender and gender expression. The term for such people is cisgender. Transgender, transsexual, and genderfluid people have a gender identity or gender expression that does not match what their particular society expects of them according to their anatomy. Some trans people choose to use medical therapies such as hormone treatments and/or surgeries to alter their bodies. Others do not want or are unable to obtain such interventions, but may express their gender in other ways such as choices of clothing or makeup.

Gender Identity vs Sexual Orientation

A person's gender identity has to do with how they self-identify. Their sexual orientation refers to what kind of person they are sexually attracted to. A person can be trans and gay, or trans and straight, or trans and bisexual, etc.

Asking Questions

It may be essential to ask questions regarding an individual's gender identity or history of medical transition in order to provide adequate care. However, only ask those questions that are relevant. Do not ask questions solely out of curiosity.


Always use the pronouns that refer to an individual's expressed gender, not their assigned birth sex. For example, a male-to-female transsexual woman is 'she'. If you are unsure of which pronouns a particular individual may prefer, simply ask in a respectful manner. If you make a mistake, apologize promptly and move on. Some people prefer gender-neutral pronouns, such as 'them' and 'they' or 'ze' and 'zir'.

The following terms are derogatory. Do not use: tranny, he-she, she-male, gender-bender, or transvestite.

Do not refer to someone 'masquerading', 'pretending', 'disguising', etc. in their gender.

Use transgender as an adjective, not a noun or verb.
            He is a transgender person, not "He is a transgender." (similar to how it is best           to say             "He is a black person", rather than "He is a black")
            A person is transgender, not transgendered. It is never necessary to add the suffix 'ed' to transgender.

Common terms

*Note that these definitions explain how the following terms are generally understood. However, individuals within the trans community may define them differently or may self-identify outside of these labels.

cisgender: someone whose gender identity matches their assigned birth sex (they are not transgender)

FtM: female-to-male trans person

MtF: male-to-female trans person

gender binary: The notion that there are two genders, male and female. Many trans people understand gender as a spectrum. 

gender expression: a person's outward presentation of their gender through physical traits, clothing, makeup, etc.

genderfluid/genderqueer: someone who identifies between or beyond the extremes of female and male on the gender spectrum, or who identifies as both female and male at once or as some combination of genders.

gender identity: a person's inner sense of their gender.

intersex: a condition in which an individual is born with reproductive and/or sexual anatomy that does not fit the usual male or female definition.

trans: an umbrella term meant to include transgender, transsexual and genderfluid people

transgender: a person whose gender identity or expression does not match the typical societal expectations of their birth-assigned gender. Transgender people may or may not wish to modify their bodies to varying degrees by taking hormones or having surgery.

transition: a change in one's public gender identity (one's inner gender identity may have been the same since birth).

transsexual: a person whose gender identity does not match their sex as it was assigned at birth. Transsexual people usually wish to modify their bodies in order to alleviate this incongruence.

Tip sheet for assisting trans men

Trans men are individuals who were born with anatomy typical of females but identify on the masculine side of the gender spectrum. Some choose to give birth and/or nurse their babies, and may require lactation support.


Although both men and women have breast tissue, the word 'breast' is most often associated with women. Trans men may be more comfortable referring to their 'chest' and 'chestfeeding' or 'nursing' their infants, rather than 'breastfeeding'. Trans men may refer to themselves as 'dad', 'papa', or another term, rather than 'mom'. Don't make assumptions. Remember that if you are unsure, it is best to ask about which names and pronouns an individual prefers to be used. If you make a mistake, apologize promptly and move on.

Testosterone Use

Many, but not all, trans men choose to take testosterone. Testosterone normally causes the cessation of menstruation and ovulation, and brings about male secondary sex characteristics such as deepening of the voice, growth of facial hair, and male pattern baldness.

When a trans man stops taking testosterone, his cycles are likely to return after several weeks or months, depending on how long he took the medication and his own physical particularities. However, most of his male secondary sex characteristics will remain. For example, once testosterone has stimulated the growth of hair follicles in a person's face, those follicles will stay there and hair will keep growing unless extensive electrolysis treatments are undertaken (a common element of male-to-female individuals' transitions).

Although very rare, some trans men have been known to become pregnant accidentally while taking testosterone. Testosterone is highly toxic to the fetus and should never be used during pregnancy. However, because the body metabolizes and clears testosterone rapidly, it is considered safe to conceive within a few months of discontinuing most forms of testosterone therapy.

Testosterone use during the period of lactation would likely interfere with the hormones required to produce milk and achieve let-down.

Top Surgery

Some trans men choose to have male chest-contouring surgery, also known as 'top surgery'. This is different from a mastectomy (a cancer treatment), or a breast reduction, which is performed to make a smaller but still female chest. The goal of top surgery is to create a male-appearing chest. In order to do this some, but not all, of the client's mammary tissue is removed. Complete removal of the mammary tissue would result in a sunken chest shape.

The preferred surgical technique for top surgery is variable, depending on factors such as volume of tissue and skin elasticity of the client. The 'double incision' technique usually involves nipple grafts, and is not ideal for maintaining nipple sensation nor preserving milk ducts. The 'peri-areolar' approach, with incisions that go around the outer borders of the areolae, leaves the nipple stalks intact and likely has better results in terms of future breastfeeding and milk production.


A trans man who has not had top surgery may choose to bind his chest in order to flatten it, thereby managing his gender dysphoria. Many years of binding may adversely affect the glandular tissue. Binding during the immediate postpartum period will increase the risk of blocked ducts and mastitis and may damage the milk supply. However, some individuals have had success with occasional, careful binding once the milk supply is well established and regulated. Anyone who practices binding during the lactation period should be advised of the risks of doing so, and should monitor the health of their chest closely.

Chestfeeding Goals

Some trans men who give birth do not want to chestfeed at all, in some cases for reasons to do with mental health. Others do, and opt to postpone desired top surgery so that they will be able to produce a full milk supply. Others who have had top surgery may still wish to develop a nursing relationship and may do so using an at-chest (at-breast) supplementer.

Gender Dysphoria and Chestfeeding

Gender dysphoria occurs when an individual feels discomfort due to parts of their body that do not match their gender identity. Growth (or re-growth after top surgery) of chest tissue during pregnancy may bring up extreme feelings of gender dysphoria in some individuals, possibly causing anxiety or even depression. Chestfeeding can do the same. For this reason, deciding to chestfeed is a very personal choice.

Supporting the Decision NOT to Nurse

Support an individual who has chosen not to chestfeed by sharing how he can quickly reduce his milk supply after the birth. Explain the supply and demand system that governs lactation. Encourage the client to remove only as much milk as necessary to feel relatively comfortable, since removing more milk will cause the body to increase production. Cold compresses and cold cabbage leaves may help reduce pain and swelling. The parent should NOT bind at this time due to the increased risk of pain, blocked ducts, and mastitis. Several herbs such as sage, peppermint, and parsley are said to decrease milk supply.

Discuss the many other ways of bonding with baby, such as bed-sharing, babywearing, and loving, attentive feeding. You may wish to let the client know about the possibility of obtaining human milk through milk sharing sites such as Human Milk 4 Human Babies or Eats on Feets.

Supporting the Decision TO Nurse

Be respectful when providing hand-on care. As in most health care situations, ask permission before touching an individual's body, explaining what you are planning to do and why. If an individual is not comfortable being touched, find other ways to help, such as demonstrating on yourself.

Watch for signs of postpartum depression. Trans individuals may be particularly at risk due to struggling with gender dysphoria in addition to the usual challenges of giving birth and caring for a newborn.

When assisting those who wish to chestfeed after a previous top surgery, it is essential to remember that nursing a baby is not only about the milk. An individual who has had surgery may produce a surprising amount of milk, or only drops, or nothing at all. Any amount of milk is valuable. By using a supplementer, the parent and baby can gain the benefit of bonding through a nursing relationship even in the absence of milk production. In addition, the action of nursing helps promote the normal development of the jaws and teeth in the infant.

Latching may be challenging for the parent who has had previous top surgery due to a relative lack of pliable tissue and skin. The parent may need to learn how to vigorously mould the chest tissue (make a 'sandwich'). When providing assistance, be creative and expect to try many different grasps from varying angles in order to find what works.

A reclining position may unfortunately cause the chest tissue to become even more taut and difficult to latch to. In this case, football hold or cross cradle may be easier.

Support Meetings

Encourage the trans breastfeeding parent to attend group meetings and ensure that a safe and positive environment is provided. We know that peer support is an important predictor of a parent's success achieving their personal breastfeeding goals. Trans parents may already feel isolated, especially if they do not know other LGBT families. Group meetings can be tremendously beneficial.

Those facilitating the meeting should know the location of a men's washroom or gender neutral washroom near the meeting room. They should use gender-neutral language such as "breastfeeding parent" instead of "mother" when addressing the group.

Other Support and Resources

The community of trans individuals interested in birth and various infant feeding methods is growing fast. At this time, the only online support group is the Facebook-based Birthing and Breastfeeding Transmen and Allies, with over 500members worldwide. The group includes many interested and supportive lactation consultants and LLL Leaders.

Toronto's LGBT Parenting Network runs a weekend course once every few years for transmasculine individuals considering pregnancy.

Diana West's book, Defining Your Own Success: Breastfeeding After Reduction Surgery, contains information relevant to trans men who have had top surgery. Also see her web site, bfar.org.

Tip sheet for assisting trans women

Trans women are individuals who were born with anatomy typical of males but identify on the feminine side of the gender spectrum. Some trans women may wish to breastfeed their children via induced lactation and/or using a supplementer.

Inducing Lactation

Trans women may induce lactation by following the Newman-Goldfarb protocol. A physician would need to prescribe the appropriate medications. Birth control pills should be started about six months before the baby is expected or as soon as possible. Domperidone is also suggested in the protocol. 6-8 weeks before the birth, the birth control pills should be stopped, and the woman should begin pumping frequently to stimulate glandular tissue and to remove milk. The domperidone is normally continued for the duration of the lactation period.

A trans woman should discuss with a physician, such as a reproductive endocrinologist, what kind of hormone treatment is best to take during lactation. Unfortunately, there has been little to no research done in this area. Some trans women have successfully taken a decreased dose of their usual estrogen while lactating. Any medications, such as anti-androgens or estrogens, should be carefully considered for safety during lactation on an individual basis.


Some trans women have induced lactation with impressive results, providing nearly a full supply to their babies. The amount of milk that is produced will depend somewhat on how many years the women used hormones prior to inducing lactation, and how fully her glandular tissue developed during that time. If the woman had implant surgery, she may encounter some difficulty with severed ducts, damaged nerves, compressed glandular tissue, and/or scarring.

As is the case with chestfeeding trans men, the amount of milk that is produced is not as important as the nursing relationship itself. An at-breast supplementer may be used to support a nursing relationship.

Support Meetings

Encourage the trans breastfeeding parent to attend group meetings and ensure a safe and positive environment is provided. We know that peer support is an important predictor of a parent's success achieving their personal breastfeeding goals. Trans parents may already feel isolated, especially if they do not know other LGBT families. Group meetings can be tremendously beneficial.

Resources and Further Information

"Trans Women and Breastfeeding: A Personal Interview" by Trevor MacDonald, available at http://www.milkjunkies.net/2013/05/trans-women-and-breastfeeding-personal.html.

"Trans Women and Breastfeeding: The Health Care Provider" by Trevor MacDonald, available at http://www.milkjunkies.net/2013/07/trans-women-and-breastfeeding-health.html

Facebook-based Birthing and Breastfeeding Transmen and Allies group welcomes trans women interested in nursing their infants.

Diana West's book, Defining Your Own Success: Breastfeeding After Reduction Surgery, contains information relevant to trans women who have had breast surgery. Also see her web site, bfar.org.


  1. I just found and caught up on your blog. I have to say I am very impressed. As the partner of a MtF transsexual I have a lot of empathy for your situation. I can only imagine how difficult it is for you when you must nurse in public and some ignorant person confronts you.

    My partner has provided me back up with our own children and those who know of her trans-status have been very concerned at the possibility of her producing 'something unknown' that my children intake. It is upsetting to me to hear the comments of 'what comes from a man may be different' or 'what may the hormones be doing' and she only really comfort nurses our kids when I cannot be around. I can only imagine being in your position, stay strong and know you have support even if it isn't always obvious.

    1. Wow, what an amazing gift you and your partner are able to give your kids. I'm sure tons of people wish they could comfort their babies more easily while the primary nursing parent is away! Lucky kids.

      I've had tons of comments about "the hormones I'm taking" and how they must affect the baby (both during the pregnancy and now). I kindly inform such people that I stopped taking the hormones in order to become pregnant, and that the endocrinologist told me that testosterone clears the system in about ten days. So, I haven't had synthetic testosterone in my body for about two years now. I guess it is hard for people to understand because my voice has remained low and my facial hair continues to grow.

    2. I realize it's a bit late, but for future reference- There have been studies done on the content of galactorrhea (medicine refuses to call it "lactation" because they don't want to consider that cis men could breastfeed) from cis men that found it was comparable to what cis women produce when breastfeeding. And that was without taking any estrogen/progesterone to develop the breast tissue- which could only make the breast tissue more comparable to cis women, not less. Kulski, Hartmann, and Gutteridge did one study on this in 1981 and mention an earlier study that studied different aspects of galactorrhea that found the same thing.

      It can help to have scientific research to back you up against the "well meaning" concerns people can have, especially if you ever face difficulties from doctors.

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  2. Great advice, thank you very much. I will finish my training as an LC one day, and I hope I get a chance to use your tips.

    1. Thanks for reading! Good luck in your LC training - what a satisfying career that will be to assist parents in nurturing their babes.

    2. such important informations for all women in the world.

  3. I work with breastfeeding moms ( I think I need to change that to "breastfeeding parents"!) and I was thrilled to read this post! While I have worked with lesbian couples (one where both mothers wanted to breastfeed, and another where the mom carrying the baby did not want to breastfeed, and there other mother did), I had not thought about the situation you describe. With all that I know about breastfeeding, including outside of the "norm" (I'm currently breastfeeding an adopted baby), I would have thought that it would not be possible for someone in your situation. I'm so excited to read about your success.
    I'm looking forward to reading more of your blog posts. Thank you for sharing.
    This is me: http://thebreastfeedingmother.blogspot.com/

  4. Hello Trevor,

    This is a wonderful post!! Thanks so much for taking the time to write it. I would love to quote it in an article I’m writing, and would like to get your permission to do so. Please contact me at snd74@me.com, and I would be happy to explain in greater detail.

    Thank you very much.

  5. I would hope the LLLI leaders and lactation consultants would be supportive...

    LLLI was probably aboutthe first place I felt comfortable feeding my baby outside of the house...

  6. Hi Trevor,

    This is fantastic!

    I am preparing a workshop on this topic and would love to use your suggestions. Most of this information is in the presentation, but I would love to use your tips 1-5! Please contact me by email so that we can discuss: jschockemoehl@gmail.com.

  7. Thanks for posting this. I am currently studying to be a lactation consultant and I am the mother of a transgender daughter (she's only 4 - so it will be more than a few years before this is relevant for her). I expect that I might need to use some of this information some day. One resource I would suggest for MtF mothers wanting to breastfeed is all of the information that exists on inducing lactation for an adopted baby. The protocols for doing so appear to be essentially the same as inducing lactation in an MtF mother. I would also add that if a MtF woman is considering having breast augmentation and thinks that she might want to breastfeed in the future that there are a number of different surgical augmentation techniques - some of which are less risky in terms of future breastfeeding success that she may want to discuss with her surgeon.

    I know we have so little data on this now and how well it can work. I wonder how well induced lactation might work for the next generation of trans women and men (like my daughter) who will start blockers and hormones and a relatively early age.

  8. Really a superb article, i got a very new info regarding breastfeeding here...Thanks for sharing!

  9. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  10. Well, it was really very interesting post with some good advice and it will sure going to help transgender women as after going through this post they don't ever confuse when it comes to breastfeeding.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

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  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. Any advice or information for MTF (Transwomen) if they want to Lactate and Breastfeed?

    1. Hi! Yes, there is more info in this post: http://www.milkjunkies.net/2013/05/trans-women-and-breastfeeding-personal.html

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  58. Similar measures will be taken for the show in Poland, which is a time-marking fight for Wach who eyes a big 2020 run. The 40-year old from Krakow was in line to face unbeaten heavyweight contender Agit Kabayel, only for such a pairing to fall through along with thousands of other bouts over the past seven weeks due to the ongoing global health crisis.

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  61. Daniel Ryan Cormier is an American mixed martial artist and former Olympic wrestler. He is signed to the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC), where he is a former two-division world champion, having held the heavyweight and light heavyweight world championships simultaneously. Cormier is the second fighter in UFC history to hold titles in two weight classes simultaneously and is the first to defend titles in two different divisions.

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  90. De raceroutes voor de 2020 UCI Wereldkampioenschappen Road. Die in september in de kantons Vaud en Wallis van Zwitserland wordt gehouden. Werd woensdag onthuld in Harrogate, in het VK, op de huidige Worlds 2020 in Yorkshire. De organisatoren van de Brugge-De Panne 2020 En Direct, Alexandre Debons en Grégory Devaud. Werden vergezeld door UCI-president David Lappartient en een aantal hoogwaardigheidsbekleders van het organisatiecomité. Om de tijdrit- en wegraceroutes voor volgend jaar te onthullen in het Harrogate Convention Centre.

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  143. Fans from Australia can enjoy Stream Bayou Bowl 2021 Online on Foxtel. NXE Australia Pty Limited is an Australian pay television company—operating in cable television, direct broadcast satellite television, and IPTV streaming services. It was formed in April 2018, superseding an earlier company from 1995.Fans From New Zealand can enjoy Bayou Bowl 2021 Live Stream on TVNZ. Television New Zealand, more commonly referred to as TVNZ, is a state-owned television network that is broadcast throughout New Zealand and parts of the Pacific region. Although the network identifies as a national, part-public broadcaster, it is fully commercially funded.

  144. Welcome to the 2021 ISU World Figure Skating Championships! The best figure skaters from around the world will come to Stockholm in March 2021 to compete for the World title and berths for the next Olympic Games in 2022.The 2021 ISU World Figure Skating Championships 2021 Live Online has its own website. Go check it out and read all the news, everything about ticket sales, about the city of Stockholm and about volunteering.

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